Serious About Tech

Where we get serious about technology in news, reviews, and discussions.

Episode 3 – Bose Headphones may spy on you, Why have a website, and Apple’s WWDC

Sorry for not having an episode in July. I have been very busy (but haven’t we all?).


Bose headphones may spy on you through the Bose app.

Bose was caught collecting data about what you listen to with your Bose wireless headphones. They could do this because of their app, which users could use to control the settings for their Bose audio products.

Having a website is a good idea for businesses.

Businesses should have a website because potential customers can find you easier. You can also have a central place for your contact and social information. Some more things you can have on your business website are company blogs, shopping carts, or customer testimonials.

Buy a website from (hint: it is my business) and get 10% off your website solution by going to

Apple had its World-wide Developer Conference (WWDC 2017)

Apple held its WWDC on June 5. There they announced the Homepod, a new home audio device like the Google Home or Amazon Echo, which has superior audio playback quality to the other home audio devices. Apple also announced ARkit, they’re new augmented reality toolkit. Apple has long been behind on this field, but this new toolkit shows their interest in this new platform.

For podcasters, this conference brought news of new podcasting features in iOS 11. Podcasters will be able to tell Apple Podcasts that their podcast is episodic, meaning in order from newest to oldest, and also serialized, meaning the podcast is a story-type show, and should be listened to in seasons.


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